Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino

Now day’s automation systems are everywhere whether its home, office or any big industry, all are equipped with automation…

Buzz Wire Game with an Arduino Make a Buzz Wire Game with an Arduino

Arduino is very popular for building hobby projects and games, and we have previously used Arduino to build Snake game, Ping…

Arduino Pedometer DIY Arduino Pedometer - Counting Steps using Arduino and Accelerometer

Fitness bands are getting very popular nowadays, which not only counts the footsteps but also tracks your calories burned,…

Wireless RF Communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino UNO using nRF24L01 Module Wireless RF Communication using nRF24L01 Module

Designers use many wireless communication systems like Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0), Zigbee, ESP8266 Wi-Fi Modules, 433MHz RF…

Interfacing VL6180 ToF Range Finder Sensor with Arduino Interfacing VL6180 ToF Range Finder Sensor with Arduino for Distance Measurement

TOF or Time of flight is a commonly used method to measure the distance of distant objects by various distance measurement…

DIY Arduino Digital Protractor using MPU6050 Gyroscope DIY Arduino Digital Protractor using MPU6050 Gyroscope

The MPU6050 is an IC 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope combined into one unit. It also houses a temperature sensor…

Interfacing DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor with STM32F103C8 Interfacing DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor with STM32F103C8

DHT11 is a Temperature and humidity sensor which as the name implies is used to measure the atmospheric temperature and…

How to use I2C Communication in STM32 Microcontroller How to use I2C Communication in STM32 Microcontroller

In our previous tutorials, we have learned about SPI and I2C communication between two Arduino boards. In this tutorial we will…

Arduino I2C Tutorial: Communication between two Arduino Boards How to use I2C in Arduino: Communication between two Arduino Boards

In our previous tutorial learned about SPI communication in Arduino. Today we will learn about another Serial Communication…

I2C communication with MSP430 Launchpad I2C communication with MSP430 Launchpad

MSP430 is a powerful platform provided by Texas Instruments for embedded projects, its versatile nature has made it to find…