The ESP Wi-Fi modules are microcontrollers with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (not all models) capability, developed by Espressif Systems. It consists of many development boards like ESP8266-01, ESP8266, NodeMCU, ESP12, ESP32 etc. All the development boards can be easily programmed using Arduino IDE and can be used in a variety of applications like Home Automation, Internet of things (IoT), Smart devices etc.. The below list consists of a large collection of ESP8266 projects with circuit diagram, code and hardware demonstration. You can also check out the Arduino ESP8266 projects if you have to interface an ESP with Arduino board.

The DSTIKE Deauther Watch V4S IR is the latest version of the Deauther Watch X, a wearable device designed for Wi-Fi…

An electronics enthusiast recently shared an impressive project called Tiny Battle Bots, inspired by the popular…

The ESP32 series of microcontrollers is one of the go-to choices for projects where performance and connectivity are a priority, all while…

At CircuitDigest, we've been creating and sharing Internet of Things (IoT) projects with our community for a long time…
For this contest, I want to build something around edge AI and IoT. I…
The idea is to use the Sipeed Maxduino Board and an ESP8266 (Nodemcu) With the help of Platform IO and…
In this project, we are going to build an ESP32 Cam Surveillance Car—a practical and accessible starting point to start…
In this project, we'll explore an IoT-based irrigation system using the ESP32 board and Blynk app. It's a project based…

u-blox has announced the new JODY-W6, a concurrent dual-band Wi-Fi 6E module with Bluetooth 5.3,…
This is an IOT device with an LDR light sensor and a microcontroller with WIFI connectivity ESP8266/ESP32. Commercial…

In a creative fusion of technology and human perception, a remarkable small rotating display…

USB Rubber Ducky devices have gained attention for their deceptive appearance as harmless…