GoogleFindMyTools Tracking ESP32 Devices with Google’s Find My Network

Losing a device can be frustrating, but services like Google’s Find My Device and Apple’s Find My make it easier to track lost items using their…

LockyFi - Remote Switch Controller for Automation Introducing LockyFi, A 4G/2G/Wi-Fi Remote Switch Controller for Seamless Automation

LockyFi is a remote switch controller that offers seamless automation for a wide range of applications. It supports…

DIY Telescope Powered by ESP32 DIY Telescope Powered by ESP32 with Smooth Dual-Axis Control

Telescopes are essential for astronomers, allowing them to observe stars and planets with clarity. While commercial…

Hacking The Roomba Vacuum Cleaner Hacking Roomba: Turn Your Vacuum into a Web-Controlled Robot with ESP32

An open-source hardware developer has shared an innovative project repurposing his old vacuum cleaning robot,…

A 3D-Printed Launcher That Shoots Around Corners A 3D-Printed Launcher That Shoots Around Corners

In a recent project released the thisismax Youtube channel explores how the Magnus effect can be used to steer projectiles in the air using a…

Turn Your ESP32 into a Real-Time Conversational AI Companion Turn Your ESP32 into a Real-Time Conversational AI Companion

Artificial intelligence is rapidly reshaping the way we work and interact with technology. From text-based chatbots to voice assistants, AI has…

9x9x9 LED Gaming matrix Cube Interactive 3D Gaming in a 9x9x9 LED Matrix Cube with Arduino Nano

A Tech Enthusiast has shared his new open-source project, the 9x9x9 LED Cube, which takes 3D visualization to the next…

Pomelo: A Compact and Customizable Radiation Detection System Pomelo: A Compact and Customizable Radiation Detection System

Pomelo is an upcoming spectroscopic radiation detector designed to make gamma spectroscopy more accessible and embeddable in various projects.…

Retro Ruler Retro Ruler- An OpenSource Gaming Device in a PCB Ruler

A Reddit user has shared his open-source project named Retro Ruler, which is actually a fun project. This can be used…

DIY Smart Bracelet for Couples DIY Smart Bracelet for Couples - Stay Connected with IoT

A recent project demonstrates the creation of smart bracelets designed to help long-distance couples stay connected…